Samsung has a knack for launching an “Active” variant of its flagship smartphone. A short time ago the Galaxy S5 Active was officially released. It has not done that for tablets confirmed but if a new rumor is to be believed that it will not far off.
Samsung has applied for the brand“Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Active” meaning at the chance that an
IP-Certified variant of this tablet could be in the pipeline.
It won’t accurately be performing anything ground-breaking however since this would not be the first really rugged tablet. Sony already has a several of Xperia Z tablets out in the marketplace that are IP55/57 certified, making them both dust & water resistant.
Galaxy Tab 4 Active will nevertheless have the difference of being the first rugged tablet from Samsung. The possibility is out there that it might even tout an industrial tank-inspired design like the Galaxy S5 Active.
But as a potential consumer do you think resistance to the components would make you want to purchase a Galaxy Tab 4? Tablets are usually used differently than smartphones so its extremely unlikely that a user will drop it on the pavement. But if you’re someone who loves catching up on an e-book or browsing the web in the bath than a rugged water proof tablet will certainly be a compelling product.